Merlimberto es un mago muy conocido, y como buen mago, guarda un gran secreto: su magia funciona o no según el humor de su varita mágica. Un día, el rey Nariponcio le llama para que solucione su problema: tiene una nariz horrible y la quiere más bonita. El problema surge cuando Merlimberto no le pide a su varita las cosas bien pedidas, y no es hasta el tercer intento que el rey Nariponcio consigue su bonita nariz.
Merlimberto is well-known wizard, and like every good wizard, he keeps a great secret: His magic works or doesn´t work depending on his magic wand ´s mood. One day, King Nariponcio calls on him to solve his problem: he has a horrid nose and would like a prettier one. The problem arises when Merlimberto doesn´t ask his wand in the right way, and it´s not until the third attempt that the king finally gets his pretty nose.